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Centennial Olympic Park Panorama  

Centennial Olympic Park Panorama.
This panorama of Centennial Olympic Park is one of our most beautiful images! This is the same image that the mayor of Atlanta purchased. Now benefit from our Inventory Liquidation! Owner retiring and clearing out inventory! Text me for a deal: 217 390 8962 This 1996 Olympic photograph was taken from the top of what was then the Comfort Inn across the street from Centennial Olympic Park using a #10 Cirkut, antique, rotating panoramic camera. Find more info here: I had photographed the park on the previous night, and the night of this photograph was set aside for looking around the park, and enjoying the evening with my wife and daughter. I happened to look up and noticed some dramatic color developing in the sky, and took only a few steps more before I decided that I had to photograph the park again that night. So we started to walk toward the hotel again, and then we started to run. We got the camera equipment out of the car, and dashed to the roof as fast as we could. The hotel staff had put a folding table on top of the roof so that I was able to see over the parapet wall. I set the camera up as quickly as possible. I exposed the film as soon as it was setup, because I knew that the sunset was changing by the second. When we got back to Champaign to develop and print this photo, it was one of the most dramatic images that I have ever taken with the Cirkut camera. The film exposed the night previous to this photo was never processed. Two days later, the bomb exploded in Centennial Olympic Park. I had tried to acquire credentials to photograph the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, but had no success. After shooting this photo without credentials, and dashing back to my lab to print them, we sent copies of the largest photo taken that night to Billy Payne and AD Fraiser. During follow up phone calls, I was told I would have two "infinity" credentials for the remainder of the games. This gave me access to go anywhere anytime. Get yours before they are gone. Further discount on more than one of any image. This photo is 9.5 inches tall by 56 inches long. These are traditionally printed, #10 Cirkut, contact prints. No one prints cirkut photos like this any more, photo collector print. OL_COP_002-56
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List Price: $119.00
Price: $99.00


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