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Alexander Memorial Coliseum, 1996 Olympic Boxing Panorama  

Alexander Memorial Coliseum, 1996 Olympic Boxing Panorama.
Awesome Olympic Panorama! This panoramic image was one of the most difficult of the '96 games. It was taken on the Georgia Tech Campus during the medal presentation ceremony. A request was made to the venue manager to have the Alexander Memorial Coliseum lights turned on so that a panoramic image of the venue could be captured; and to my great surprise, the request was granted. Of course, it took a while to track down the venue manager and several assistants were spoken to first. When permission was given, however, is was conditional. The lights would be turned on in 15 minutes and would be on for no more than 5 minutes. So, after receiving consent to turn on the lights, my assistant and I had to choose a shooting position and get the equipment to the position, set up, load film, meter the lighting (once it came up), and get the area cleared of any possible problems. The job got done, and the results turned out very well. There were a bunch of surprised people, including NBC Sports who had not been informed of the situation and was not too happy about the change in lighting! This panorama is 60 inches long (5 feet!) and 9.5 inches tall, printed traditionally with a contact negative printer. The negative is the same size as the print you will receive and was traditionally printed from #10 Cirkut camera negatives, no one prints like this now, real collector's items for the serious photographic collector! OL_BOX_002
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List Price: $119.00
Price: $89.00


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