Texas Stadium Panorama.
Old Texas Stadium shot in about 1995. This is an awesome panoramic photo of a classic stadium and home for the Cowboys for many seasons. This panorama was shot with a #10 Cirkut, rotating, panoramic camera. The images for sale here were then traditionally printed by hand using a silver sensitive process. The image is a huge 9.5" x 56 inches long. This photo makes you feel like you are one of the crowd!!! Get a great deal on this image now and get a Cowboys Super Bowl poster for free! Owner retiring, deals on hundreds of panoramic posters and photographs. The image you see on your screen is not as clear, nor does it have as much detail as the actual photo you will receive. To see an example of the resolution of our photographs, please click here. We guarantee your satisfaction.  SP_NFL_043 List Price: $119.00 Price: $60.00
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