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Home » Composites - Indiana

Indiana Double Composite 2013

Indiana Double Composite 2013.
Composite of the University of Indiana panoramic views of The Assembly Hall. Available in 11" x 14", 16" x 20", and 20" x 24". CP_119

Price: $13.00


Indiana Fan Composite 2013

Indiana Fan Composite 2013.
Composite of the University of Indiana's fans, bordering a panoramic view of The Assembly Hall taken on February 2, 2013. Available in 11" x 14", 16" x 20", and 20" x 24". CP_120

Price: $13.00


Indiana Triple  Composite 2013

Indiana Triple Composite 2013.
Composite of the University of Indiana panoramic views of The Assembly Hall. Available in 11" x 14", 16" x 20", and 20" x 24". CP_121

Price: $13.00


Indiana Fan Composite 2005

Indiana Fan Composite 2005.
Composite of the University of Indiana's fans, bordering a panoramic view of The Assembly Hall. Available in 11" x 14", 16" x 20", and 20" x 24". CP_053

Price: $13.00