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Stark County, Illinois Football 2015. Rebels 2nd in State 9.5" x 36" GR_SCH_008
2013 St. Joseph, Illinois Football Team Panorama. In 2013 St. Joseph won the 3A class high school football trophy and this a panoramic photo of the team, coaches, cheer squad and managers. Now 50% off. 9.5" x 36" GR_SCH_006
St. Joseph, Illinois Football Panorama. 2013 St. Joseph.Ogden, IL panoramic team photo, including the cheerleaders and coaches. 9.5" x 48" GR_SCH_007
Stark County, Illinois Football 2008. Rebels 2nd in State, panoramic photograph, players, coaches and cheerleaders. 9.5" x 36" GR_SCH_005
St. Joseph/Ogden Championship Football 2006. Team panoramic photo of the St. Joe, Illinois Championship foot ball team, cheerleaders adn coaches. 9.5" x 36" GR_SCH_002
Stark County, Illinois Rebels Football 2008. Rebels 2nd in State group shot 11" x 14" GR_SCH_003
Stark County, Illinois Football 2008 @ UofI. Rebels at Memorial Stadium. 9.5" x 32" GR_SCH_004